After clearing the easter side of the village, it's noted that the lack of break from the sun means the villagers can't rest.
This leads to discussion of the hero getting the night sky page which is held within the forest gate, as well as discussions
of the village festival. Farmer Brown and Isaac both hint at their gifts for Mari for the village festival, to celebrate her
mayor training. As you head to the forest gate, you can hear Jowee talk about how he wants to get Mari a flower from twilite
wood, so he goes into the forest gate.
the levels
Twilite wood
After Jowee goes into the forest gate, the hero runs back to inform both the mayor and Mari of him going inside there. Before you follow
him to rescue him, the mayor finds the template for wings, to help you navigate Twilite Wood easier, as it stretches up high. You then
take your snowshooter that you used in the snow gate to Isaac, who upgrades it into an acornblaster, which users acorns as ammo instead.
Like other creations, you get to design this one, too. Just as you're about to leave, Mari makes you promise that you'll bring Jowee back.
Twilight Wood as a level itself introduces the beautiful colour palette of the forest gate, with pinks and blues stretching as far as the
eye can see. Along with collection the night sky template and getting Jowee back home, you also rescue Zsasha and two other raposa. As you meet
Jowee again near the end of the level you're asked to colour in the flower that Jowee picks for Mari. Upon returning to the village, Jowee seems
enthusiastic now getting an adventure. As you go talk to the mayor, you can watch the villagers respond with enthusiasm upon seeing his return,
wanting to hear his stories. You then get to colour in thr night sky page, to finally bring night to the village.
moon grove
With the newly returned night sky came crimes under the guise of darkness, you watch as the raposa you rescued, Zsasha, sneaks out frm the
forest gate and runs across the village, stealing various things from the villagers, including the flower Jowee got for Mari. As Jowee later
goes in his house to get the flower to show to Heather, he spots that the flower is missing, and rushes to the village hall to tell the Mayor.
You are then tasked to go around and see if other villagers are missing anything. Despite things being missing, the night sky is simply too
dark without any light. This leads you to be tasked with going to Moon Grove to get the Moon template, so you can figure out who has been
stealing the villagers things. In this level there's a space section where you can design your rocket and use it to defeat the space baki
from across the sky! I find this the most fun part of the level!! Throughout this level, you can also resuce the police watchman, Cricket,
and his deputys. Upon their return, you're able to place the moon template in the book of life and draw the moon. Now, under the light, you're
able to see more at night, which allows for the investigation to begin. The hero speaks with both Farmer Brown and Chef Cookie, who were missing
items also. When speaking to Cookie, Zsasha is lurking nearby, and you have to chase them to find out more information. Zsasha returns the Banya
Seeds stolen from Farmer Brown, but vanishes before anything else can be returned and before Cricket returns. You then go look for him again, where
he returns Cookie's Cutlery, but then runs off, insisting he can't be caught. After recovering these stolen items, you talk to the Mayor about this
situation... and instead make moves to plan further for the upcoming village festival.
While village festival plans are underway, the mayor points out that there is no passing time as the clock on the village hall is broken, so they
can't go from night to day. With this, the hero is takes to find the clock template in Gearworks to help introduce a working day/night system.
Gearworks is a level that, as the name suggests, introduces mechanics, moving platforms and switches to fit into its gear-based theme. In this level
you can also rescue Navy J and his Groupies, who helps solve thie issue of needing music for the village festival. They go to see the mayor, who has
you draw the clock face. Once it's done, you can see the clock on the village hall change to show your creation. After this, you're tasked with once
again tapping on the eternal flame and clearing the area for the village stage, you then need to gather all the villagers as well as start the village
festival. The village festival marks the start of the Mayor announcing publically that Mari's training to take his place as mayor once his time comes
is beginning. During this segement, Mari leaves and Jowee follows her to give his gift… a book about whales? just kidding! as jowee is about to leave,
Zsasha returns to give jowee back the real gift - the flower that was stolen before - so he can give it to Mari! After this, they all return to the
village festival and dance the night away. Once the festival is over, the Mayor has you draw the hands for the village clock, so morning can come now
that the festival is over!
star forest
After the village festival, the Mayor reminisces that the village once had an observatory. He then tasks you to going to star forest, to find the page
for the observatory and allow the raposa to better view the night sky! This level has lots of falling aspects like falling meteors and stars that fade
which you get to design, these make it really fun to traverse through the domain, especially trying not to fall down to the bottom and die haha. In this
level as well as finding the observatory page, you rescue Galileo and his family. Once you get out of the level, you meet Mari outside the gate, and
eventually go to clear the darkness in the east of the village to place down and colour in the observatory, with this you can click on it at any time
to see the night sky you created!
Once you finished recovering the observatory, you run into Mari seeing Isaac and Cookie arguing by the village gate, and later run into Wilfre
once again, who awakens the next boss deadwood. This boss is in the deep dark forest, and is a large tree which is possessed and corrupted by
Wilfre's shadow. This is different to Frostwind, who was merely awakened and not hinted at to be possessed by Wilfre. After this battle, you
rid Deadwood of the shadow, and save Samuel, a distant raposa who keeps to himself.
key villagers saved
key villagers do not include characters who use the generic npc sprites



Navy J



pages recovered

This only covers main pages of the book of life
that alter the village area, and does not include
places drawings that are made to help you progress
from within the levels.

Night sky - from
Twilite Wood

Moon - from
Moon Grove

Clock face - from

Clock hands - from

Observatory - from
Star forest