Welcome to my corner of the internet, this is my virtual sandbox, which I shape into whatever I like, whenever I like. You are currently exploring version six (honeyed desktop) of layercake. This website looks best on desktop, but should be mobile friendly! I hope this corner of the web is a neat space to unwind and relax~!
the webmaster / webdude / webguy of this site!! Basically just a dude trying to get by who lovesss making things in his spare time. around 13 apples tall or something. I love graphic design and I guess that evolved into a love of coding somewhere down the line... probably best to check my about page to learn more though :3
Redo shrines page
Aqours shrine...
Work on Paradox Live shrine
Red velvet index colour theme
Windows xp version of main page
Site templates for people to use
Credits page
H-Hi there...
Do you th-think I could have your credit card information, p-please?
★ Added Aqours shrine
☆ Altered the index theme slightly, more of a desktop feel now, navigation got the most improvement haha.
★ Rethemed index a little, removed monochrome and candy skies to focus on three themes instead: Macaron, Honey and Blueberry
☆ Added Monochrome and Candy Skies themes
★ Added theme switcher to main page, currently only default and dark mode for now
☆ Redid about page again
★ Removed cbox (didn't have energy to moderate it haha), changed logo,
added featured page and to-do list on index
☆ New main page (honeyed desktop, V6)
★ Shrine navigation page is now mobile friendly
☆ Recreated about page, should be mobile friendly
★ Reworked main page to work on mobile
☆ New main page once again (spring picnic, V5)
★ New about page with updated information
☆ New site button !!
★ Main page retheme (seawater, V4)
☆ Fixed pages
★ Adjusted shrines
☆ Joined webrings
★ Archive page remade
☆ Resources website created
★ Credits modal added
☆ Joined pixel groups
★ New journal enteries
☆ Reorganized site folders
★ Themed links page
☆ Added cbox
★ Cleaned up code
☆ Added resource page and resources
★ Rethemed about page
☆ Journal page created
★ New main theme (pink palace, V3)
☆ New main page theme (candyfloss, V2)
★ New main page theme (monochrome, V1)
☆ Archive page created
★ Resource page added
☆ Creation of layercake button
★ Completed and rethemed main page (unarchived, V0)
☆ Completed about page
★ Site Creation